Friday, June 30, 2006

Survey: Random Thought Provokers

((naku!! naaadek n nmn me!! surbeysnmn ngyn!! >_< must resist!!))

1. What makes you laugh?
fuuny crazy scenes s Yakitate ms lalo n pg kumain cla ng bread XD! & slashable yaoi scenes

2. Who is your hero?
currently um.. Mr.Pierrot!

3. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Mr.Pierrot!! *¬*

4. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3 pairs

5. Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?
in the laundry basket

6. Who do you blame for your mood today?
yaoi & Mr.Pierrot *¬*

7. If the Internet were sex... I would
get two kakkoii bisihes w/ internet between them, take a vid of them (w/ internet) & then show it to fans like me!!! XD~

8. Have you ever seen a dead body?
yes T_T

9. What is something scientists need to invent?
cure for deadly illnesses & diseases

10. What should we do with stupid people?
um, teach them.. yaoi? XD

11. Have you ever broken a bone?

12. Do you watch local news? Why?
sometimes, when something gets my attention

13. What happens after you die?
I will be reborn into a new person or into an animal depends on what I've done

14. How big is your bed? Big enough?
just good enough for two bishies to snuggle into *¬*

15. How long do you think you will live?
long enough for me to do what i want & get what i want

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